The Child and Family Advocate program provides immediate and ongoing wrap-around support to all families accessing the CYAC. Staff members within the program walk alongside families, ensuring they feel supported and validated throughout the interview as well as the investigation, by connecting families with appropriate services. The program strives to increase communication between involved agencies and ensure each child’s needs are prioritized and responded to promptly.
Core services within this program include emotional and practical support, system referrals, as well as case management and coordination.

The Resilient Families Program oversees the mental health and wellbeing of all families connected with the CYAC. The program works with Medical Staff and the Child and Family Advocate Program to connect families with appropriate and timely mental and physical health services within the CYAC and/or in the community. This program also works collaboratively with community agencies to bridge the gaps between mental health services and ensure families transition smoothly.
Core services within this program include counselling, education and caregiver support groups, medical examinations, and mental health assessments.

The Building Brighter Futures Program goes beyond responding to child abuse and works towards prevention. Staff within the program work directly with those who provide services to children or are directly impacted by the work of the CYAC. The program develops resources targeted at the community's needs that support, prevent, and educate. Through the program, the CYAC strives to build an informed and more resilient community that has an increased ability to respond to, and ultimately prevent, child abuse.
Core services within the program include facilitating dialogue in the community, making presentations, as well as providing educational resources and professional training for staff.